We now have a dedicated review and repair service for under-performing and/or broken investment accounts. Cases are handled expeditiously on a first-come, first-served basis.

Click here to visit MyPortfolioFix.com or send an email directly to ryan@jspmllc.com to reserve service.


Fast-Tracked Service

MyPortfolioFix Powered by Jersey Shore Portfolio Management

Questions about MyPortfolioFix or JSPM? Call us at 732-206-6015 or send us a message.

*We do not share your information with any third parties.

*Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. The use of the word “fix” in myportfoliofix.com™ does not imply a guaranteed rate of return. Myportfoliofix.com™ and JSPM, LLC™ are registered trade names of Jersey Shore Portfolio Management, LLC.